PG&E has the privilege of serving 16 million
Californians, or one-in-20 Americans.
Our service area covers a 70,000 square mile area from Bakersfield to Eureka where our coworkers also live and work every day.
North Coast
The North Coast Region runs from the northern-most reaches of PG&E's service territory to the Golden Gate Bridge and includes Humboldt, Trinity, Lake, Mendocino, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Napa and Marin counties. Much of the region is heavily forested with coastal redwood trees, in both old growth forests and commercially stewarded lands.
Bay Area
The Bay Area Region includes San Francisco, San Mateo, Alameda and Contra Costa counties, which lends to its unique character of serving the densest population within a comparatively small footprint. The region has experienced immense economic and population growth the past couple decades thanks to expanding cities and suburbia coupled with new business and maturation of existing businesses.
Central Valley
The Central Valley Region includes 14 counties and boasts the richest and most fertile farmland in the world, producing more than 250 different commodities, including tree fruit, nuts, cotton and table grapes. It is also home to the majestic Sierra Nevada, which includes hometown treasures like Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks.
North Valley and Sierra
The North Valley/Sierra Region stretches from our state capital in Sacramento to Mount Lassen and Lake Shasta in the north and includes many high fire-threat areas. Key industry segments across the region include agriculture, government, education, recreation and tourism.